James B. Kyle MD

Orthopedic surgery

Partial Knee Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement

Partial knee replacement, also known as unicompartmental knee replacement, may be an option for some patients whose arthritis is limited to just one section, or compartment, of the knee. In the right patient, this can be an effective option that preserves more of the natural structures of the knee. Dr. James B. Kyle is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip and knee replacement, including partial knee replacement. Dr. Kyle completed fellowship training in hip and knee replacement at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA. A native of Welsh, LA, Dr. Kyle returned to Louisiana and began practicing in Lafayette. Prior to his medical training, Dr. Kyle was a practicing veterinarian, having grown up on a farm in Welsh. However, his desire to help people led to obtaining a medical degree and completing specialized fellowship training to become a hip and knee replacement orthopedic surgeon.

What Is Partial Knee Replacement?

Much like total knee replacement, a partial knee replacement involves replacing the damaged portions of the knee joint with implants. However, a partial knee replacement retains more of the natural knee. The knee is composed of three sections, or compartments: medial, lateral, and patellofemoral. If the patient’s arthritis is limited to just one of those compartments, a partial knee replacement may be an option. During this procedure, only the damaged compartment of the knee is removed and replaced with implants. The healthy bone and cartilage in the knee joints, along with the ligaments, remains. Though this can be a great option in the right patient, it is important to note that not everyone will qualify for a partial knee replacement. Dr. Kyle will advise which surgical option is best for your needs after a thorough examination.

Who Is a Candidate for Partial Knee Replacement?

Dr. Kyle will only recommend partial knee replacement if he feels the patient will benefit from it. If a patient does not meet the criteria, he or she will not be likely to have a satisfactory result from this procedure. To qualify for a partial knee replacement, a patient must meet the following criteria:

  • Arthritis must only be present in one compartment of the knee.
  • Nonsurgical treatments have not helped to relieve arthritis symptoms.
  • The patient cannot be overweight.
  • The patient cannot have ligament damage.

If a patient does not qualify for partial knee replacement, total knee replacement may be an option. For younger patients, Dr. Kyle typically does not recommend knee replacement surgery (both partial and total). A young patient will typically live longer than the implant will last, which may require a much more complex revision procedure to replace the implant when it wears out.

Partial Knee Replacement Procedure & Recovery

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Kyle will give you a detailed guide on what to expect and how to prepare for surgery. This includes how to prepare for your recovery at home, what medications you must stop taking and when, how to pre-admit to the hospital, what to expect after surgery, and how to care for your dressings.

Download Dr. Kyle’s Joint Replacement Surgery Guide >>

During the procedure, Dr. Kyle will remove the damaged tissue and bone from the knee and replace them with implants. Like total knee replacement implants, partial knee implants are made of metal, and a plastic spacer is inserted between the two metal components.

Most patients stay in the hospital overnight, but are able to return home the following day. Patients should arrange to have someone bring them home upon discharge, and should have someone stay with them for assistance in the initial recovery period. Patients are not permitted to drive while taking narcotic pain medications or using an assistive device.

Proper wound care is very important. Though complication risks are low, proper wound care lowers your risk of developing an infection that could delay your recovery. Dr. Kyle’s guide explains in detail how to care for your incision area. It is also advised that patients elevate the leg whenever possible and apply ice to reduce swelling.

Recovery for a partial knee replacement may be quicker than a total knee replacement. Patients are typically able to do most activities within 6-8 weeks, but will continue to see improvement for up to a year. Dr. Kyle also has patients work with our physical therapy team to learn exercises to improve strength and range of motion in the knee.

Partial Knee Replacement in Lafayette, LA

Dr. James Kyle is a fellowship trained and board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip and knee replacements, including partial knee replacement. Partial knee replacement can be a great option for patients who have severe arthritis in one component of the knee, as it helps reduce pain and improve mobility while maintaining the healthy parts of the knee. Dr. Kyle believes in thoroughly educating his patients on all of their options and what to expect with surgery so that they are well-prepared when surgery is needed. If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kyle, please call our office at 337-235-8007 or fill out our contact form.